
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Persuasive Language Features

L.I- You are trying too persuade schools that the punishments of 1900 make students more focused in class.

Rhetorical Question:
How would you feel if children did not respect you?

Remember when children used too follow the rule,remember when they used too listen?

Emotive language:
We are hard-working, children who make sure our classmates are working and have great attitude.

If you disrespect teachers in school they will cane you!

Facts and statistics:
80% of children are getting injured.

Groups of three:
Punishment is effective, immediate, and useful.

L.I- Punishment in schools was unfair in 1900.

Rhetorical Question:
Why did teachers hit children?

Remember how children felt, remember how children use too get badly hurt?

Emotive Language:
We, the children are working so hard to be good.

If you teachers stopped hitting children maybe they would respect more.

Facts and Statistics:
90% of children are starting too dislike the teachers that hit them.

Groups of three:
Punishment is hurtful, sore and is a mistake.

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